I’m an Italian freelance educator, artist and a community-engaged researcher.
I professionally work with audiovisual storytelling, sound art, filmmaking, theatre and poetry performance, creative workshops.
Acoustic ecology is part of my experience.

I conduct workshops in both urban and rural environments. In order to explore places and communities, I usually join together both field recording and ethnographic research.
With kids I generally try to follow educational paths starting from soundscapes, visual art and ending up in capturing traditional memories shared with the local community through performances and exhibitions.
My goal is to develop active listening, being also inspired by the soundscape research performed among the others by Raymond Murray Schafer, Hildegard Westerkamp and Pauline Oliveros.
Between 2011 and 2019 I participated as a speaker in international conferences in Italy, Germany, Serbia and Switzerland (Firenze, Roma, Catania, Rovereto, Oberhausen, Belgrade, Leuk) on the theme of acoustic ecology as a teaching method organized by the Forum Klanglandschaft association among others.
February 2022
Over the last two decades I’have been collaborating with many Italian schools, and in Belgium, teaching to the total of 4000 students:
Maison de la culture et de la cohésion sociale (Bruxelles), Istituto Comprensivo Alta Vallagarina (Rovereto), Istituto Comprensivo Tommaseo – Conselve (Padova), Istituto Comprensivo Gramsci – Plesso “Gigi Proietti” (Roma), Istituto Comprensivo Arco, Istituto Comprensivo Valle dei laghi – Dro, Istituto Comprensivo Giudicarie Esteriori, Istituto Comprensivo Tione di Trento, Istituto Comprensivo Val Rendena – Comunità delle Giudicarie, Istituto Comprensivo del Chiese, Istituto Comprensivo Malcesine (Verona), Istituto Comprensivo Folgaria Lavarone Luserna, Istituto Comprensivo Vigolo Vattaro (Trento), Istituto Comprensivo Villa Lagarina, Istituto Comprensivo Rovereto Nord, Istituto Comprensivo Valle Savio – Mercato Saraceno e Sarsina (Forlì Cesena), Liceo artistico Fortunato Depero (Rovereto), Liceo Andrea Maffei (Riva del Garda), Università Popolare Trentina Cles, Università Popolare Trentina Tione, Università Popolare Trentina Arco, NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (Napoli).
Other public entities and cultural associations I collaborated with: Centro Studi Judicaria (Tione), Associazione Libera Mente – Portobeseno (Rovereto), APSP Casa Mia (Riva del Garda), Scuola Musicale AllegroModerato (Milano), Urban experience (Roma), SMAG Scuola musicale Alto Garda.