Simple love

Trondheim, Norvegia: ho creato qui la performance in tre giorni, dal 15 al 18 agosto 2013; dura circa mezz’ora e comprende suoni, video e interazioni col pubblico;
si tratta della mia esperienza della città che ho cercato di restituire coinvolgendo le persone e i loro cinque sensi, in cinque capitoli, con scrittura di poesia istantanea come dono finale.

Simple love

Sara Maino. Simple love. For long-lasting affections
intermedia poetry performance
curated by Tanushree Biswas

Trondheim Norway, 14-23 August 2013

Bokbar (Antikvariatet) 18 August 2013 18 hrs
Annas Kafé 20 August 2013 18 hrs
Ila Brainnstasjon 21 August 2013 17 hrs

It is a multisensorial performance poetry act in 5 chapters which will involve audience participation. Sara Maino calls it ‘A kind of restoration of the sensorial relationship of the people with the city.’ In other words Sara talks about using our senses to reconnect with and simply love where we are.

About the artist:

Sara Maino is an international artist/researcher from Trentino,
Northern Italy. She has been writing since the age of 10 and her fascination with theater led her to co-found the company Teatro per Caso (Theater by Chance) in 1996. Sara has been researching people’s memories and sounds of the landscape since 2005 which are also part of her current collaboration with Rai Radio 2 . Her work ranges from poetry, video, theater, site-specific installations and radio to projects of solidarity in India, Palestine, Balkans and Caucasus.

ph Thomas Habtu

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