Interferenze festival/Portobeseno

[vimeo 105962495 w=500 h=281]

Interferenze/Portobeseno: rural perspectives on soundscape

This video documents the collaboration between Interferenze and Portobeseno festivals which are held in two different areas in Italy. In 2012, two different residency projects were hosted by the two festivals: the first one in Trentino region (North Italy) with the sound artist Ji-yeon Kim, curated by Leandro Pisano, and the second one in Campania region (South Italy), curated by Davide Ondertoller and Sara Maino, aiming at building a sonic map of the memories in the rural village of Summonte.

Editing, postproduction, camera: Giuliano Mozzillo + Leandro Pisano
Storyboard: Leandro Pisano
Translation (ENG/ITA): Anna Palma