ICTM Lubiana

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1st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Audiovisual Ethnomusicology
Zvoki in Vizije
Sounds and Visions
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 August 2016

After recognition of the Study Group by the Executive Board in July 2015, this first symposium aims to provide a scholarly venue to reflect widely on the use of audiovisual media as a tool of research, communication, preservation and sustainability in ethnomusicology. The symposium will gather international scholars interested in the multifarious implications of the topic. The themes are chosen to prompt a broad discussion of theoretical and methodological issues, to focus on the more specific topic of the role of audiovisual archives, and to allow for participants to present outcomes of their current research.

Saturday 27 August 9-11
Renato Morelli’s workshop: Filming Complex Polyphony
He will lead this workshop with his editor Sara Maino

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