Ecophilia Now – Athens Festival

19-20 October 2024, Atene
Plyfa Art Space, Koritsas 39,
Athina 104 47, Grecia


Siamo molto onorate di partecipare al festival Ecophilia Now di Atene!
Organizzato dal collettivo greco Part Suspended, il festival Ecophilia Now riunisce artiste e artisti da tutto il mondo per confrontarsi sul tema delle criticità ambientali con l’obiettivo di risvegliare l’amore profondo per la terra e il contatto con la natura.
Il nostro contributo:
– Sound installation/installazione sonora “Satellite liquido” (Sara Maino, 2024);
presentata a La semaine du son Unesco (Bruxelles, 2024) e Sete Festival (Rovereto Italy, 2024).
– Talk con il duo di performer-poetesse Marina Kazakova&Sara Maino;
proiezione di video artistici e documentari sulla loro attività artistica che le ha portate a esibirsi in festival letterari internazionali (Irlanda, Italia, Stati Uniti, Olanda, Belgio, Bulgaria, Portogallo, Grecia).

We will present the sound installation Liquid Satellite (Sara Maino, 2024) alongside a talk featuring the performer-poet duo Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino. The talk will feature screenings of art videos and documentaries that highlight their artistic journey, which has led them to perform at international literary festivals in Ireland, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria, Portugal, and Greece.

The ECOPHILIA NOW festival brings together over 20 diverse participants, including performers, musicians, choreographers, visual artists, activists, environmentalists, and poets from across Europe. With representatives from countries such as Greece, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, Romania, Ukraine and Denmark, the festival is international in scope.

The festival’s concept of “ecophilia” — a deep love for Earth and nature as a shared home for all beings — invites participants to nurture their connection with the environment. This focus on “philia” (friendship) with nature is a call to embrace a more caring, sustainable, and mindful approach to how we interact with the environment.

Performance a San Francisco

a poetry performance
by Marina Kazakova (BE) & Sara Maino (IT)

Production 2023

Supported by Science Communication Funding of LUCA School of Arts.
Premiered at TomorrowToday (LA, USA) and Specs’ Twelve Adler Museum Cafe (SF, USA) in December 2023.

“I Can Speak” is a poetry performance presented by Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino. Loosely autobiographical, it incorporates poems composed and recited by the two authors, along with their individual monologues. It unfolds around memories revisited by the two poets, highlighting key moments in their lives that pushed them in discovering their own language — the language of poetry.

The show is dedicated to depicting the most crucial process that every person must undergo at some point—the process of “gathering” or “concentrating” one’s personality, discovering the language of your own.

This is a journey through the thorns of the contexts in which we are raised towards the stars of self-discovery.

Marina does this journey from the culture of silence, the environment of the crumbling of the Soviet regime. It is in silence that poetry, like prayer, arose in her. In contrast, Sara’s poetic journey originates from the meadow of Monte Velo in Trentino, Italy — a mythical gathering place where stories are shared in a circle every Sunday.  The tales shared here connect the Trentino valleys to Sicily, Africa to Lake Garda; they traverse the ocean, reach America, and then return to a thousand meters Velo. At the same time, the meadow is encircled by  mountains that obscure the horizon, creating a sense of confinement.

“I can speak” is both the voice of two artists in a challenging time, and the birth of a unique creative speech act.

Performance a Los Angeles

a poetry performance
by Marina Kazakova (BE) & Sara Maino (IT)

Production 2023

Supported by Science Communication Funding of LUCA School of Arts.
Premiered at TomorrowToday (LA, USA) and Specs’ Twelve Adler Museum Cafe (SF, USA) in December 2023.


“I Can Speak” is a poetry performance presented by Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino. Loosely autobiographical, it incorporates poems composed and recited by the two authors, along with their individual monologues. It unfolds around memories revisited by the two poets, highlighting key moments in their lives that pushed them in discovering their own language — the language of poetry.

The show is dedicated to depicting the most crucial process that every person must undergo at some point—the process of “gathering” or “concentrating” one’s personality, discovering the language of your own.

This is a journey through the thorns of the contexts in which we are raised towards the stars of self-discovery.

Marina does this journey from the culture of silence, the environment of the crumbling of the Soviet regime. It is in silence that poetry, like prayer, arose in her. In contrast, Sara’s poetic journey originates from the meadow of Monte Velo in Trentino, Italy — a mythical gathering place where stories are shared in a circle every Sunday.  The tales shared here connect the Trentino valleys to Sicily, Africa to Lake Garda; they traverse the ocean, reach America, and then return to a thousand meters Velo. At the same time, the meadow is encircled by  mountains that obscure the horizon, creating a sense of confinement.

“I can speak” is both the voice of two artists in a challenging time, and the birth of a unique creative speech act.

Film doc

The film narrates literature in the time of climate change: how two poets performed the show “Foresta rossa” amidst burned forests of Portugal, taking part in the 6ª edição do Festival Literário Internacional do Interior – FLII Palavras de Fogo.

Project winner of Culture Moves Europe mobility grant for artists implemented by Goethe Institut.

A film by Sara Maino
Duration 13’33, HD, 2023

Performance in Portugal – Culture Moves Europe

6ª edição do Festival Literário Internacional do Interior – FLII Palavras de Fogo

15-18 June 2023
Lousa-Coimbra, Portugal

Foresta Rossa
A two-poets intermediary show, 2023

Poetry, live painting and intermedia performance 
by Sara Maino and Marina Kazakova

Project winner of Culture Moves Europe mobility grant for artists implemented by Goethe Institut

16 June 2023 2:30 pm 
Jardim do Centro da Referência da Memória Goiense

16 June 9:00 pm
Auditório da Biblioteca Municipal de Arganil
Panel Discussion – José Vaz, Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino, moderated by Miriella de Vocht

17 June 7:00 pm 
Avanteira Municipal Park – Pelmá

Foresta Rossa is a two-poet show featuring spoken poetry, audiovisual and live painting. The performance is created specifically for a festival location in Lousa (Portugal) that was impacted by forest fires. 
The show aims to address the issue of environmental emergency and its effects on people, in the face of the increasing threat of global warming.
The performance consists of a pre-structured dialogue, with improvisational parts that respond to the unique context of the performance location. 
The site-specific element of the show involves visits to the location to collect memories from victims and analyze artifacts of forest fires.

This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

Press link

Festival Internazionale di Poesia Palabra en el mundo

Onorata di partecipare con la nostra prossima performance di poesia “Café Europa” al Festival Internazionale di Poesia Palabra en el mundo, Ateneo Veneto, Venezia, 26-28 maggio 2023.

26 May 2023, 17.00
Ateneo Veneto
Campo San Fantin 1897 – Venezia

FIP Palabra en el mundo – XVII Festival Internazionale di poesia di Venezia

Café Europa
Two-poets performance
by Sara Maino and Marina Kazakova, 2023
photo album

Two characters (Europa and the East-Comer) meet in a café in an unknown city. They confess their visions, feelings and memories to each other, giving the sense to seemingly solipsistic monologues.

Supported by Research Foundation Flanders and LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven
Premiered at Festival internazionale di poesia Palabra en el mundo di Venezia 2023

Café Europa
Audiodramma, durata 14’41, 2023
Link Soundcloud

Poesie e voci di Sara Maino e Marina Kazakova
Montaggio e regia di Sara Maino

Paesaggi sonori registrati da Sara Maino in tutta Europa
Effetti sonori tratti dall’archivio gratuito di BBC Rewind
Musica tradizionale (Katioucha Otchi Tchornye eseguita dal Sirba Octet)

Due personaggi (Europa e East-Comer) si incontrano in un caffè di una città sconosciuta. La scena pullula di suoni, di segnali e voci di un luogo cosmopolita, vivace.
Due esseri monologanti, nei loro solipsismi contemporanei, si sfiorano, si confessano a vicenda visioni, sentimenti, ricordi, riflessioni sul presente, sulla situazione politica e sociale europea.

Con il sostegno di: Fondazione di ricerca delle Fiandre e LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven.
Presentato in anteprima al Festival internazionale di poesia “Palabra en el mundo” 2023 di Venezia

Poetry performance in Ireland

34th International Hopkins Festival 
Saturday 23rd July 2022, 8 pm
Newbridge (Ireland)
College Theatre 

ART EXHIBITION featuring Leinster Graphics Society
Opening: Adrian McGoldrick MC: Derek Egan
9.30 Festival Club: Coffeys (Main St.) Upstairs. A Favourite Hopkins Poem: Seán Bagnall; Elizabeth Doyle; Bruno Gaurier (France); Sara Maino (Italy); Anne Doyle; Koji Katsurayama (Japan); Jenny Adamson; Sorcha Doyle; Bill Schwartz (USA); Elaine Murphy;Eva Donlon;
Marina Kazakova (Russia). MC: Will Adamson

3.00 PERFORMANCE College Theatre “I Think About Your Hands”:
Marina Kazakova (Russia) and Sara Maino (Italy)
Moderator: Seán BagnallMC: Derek Egan



Performance di poesia

Il Comitato Salvaguardia Area Lago e la Associazione “Bosco dei Poeti”
invitano all’appuntamento con la poesia

Sabato 2 aprile 2022
Via Cristoph Hartung Von Hartungen, 4
Riva del Garda TN
10.00-13.00 e 14.00.-17.30

Letture e performance per un incontro poetico con gli alberi.


“L’atmosfera mi sembrava una figura, una voce, ed era colorata e pregna di significati. […] ogni fiore era una parola, un pensiero. L’erba, gli alberi, le acque, i venti: tutto era linguaggio.”
George William Russell, “The Candle of Vision” in “Passeggiata sotto gli alberi” di Philippe Jaccottet, Ed. Marcos Y Marcos, 2021



International Dada Livestream

November 16 2021, International Dada Livestream
Three Rooms Press is proud to sponsor the 2021 International Virtual ¡DADA! Festival: A series of livestreamed dada actions by contemporary dada artists from around the world. The festival will include close to 100 artists and writers from 14 countries, performing over a series of seven events live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook. The series will highlight the art and writing of contributors to MAINTENANT 15: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art, published annually by Three Rooms Press since 2008, and will be hosted by MAINTENANT 15 editors Peter Carlaftes and Kat Georges.
Events will include performance, art, and poetry inspired by the theme of this year’s journal “HUMANITY: The REBOOT” Prepare for the provocative, eclectic, and unpredictable collage of performances by more than 50 artists in a series of lively sessions tracking European, South American, Canadian and US performers. Admission to all events is free. All events will be livestreamed to both Facebook and Youtube. Copies of MAINTENANT 15 will be available to order during all events.

Featured performers: Volodymyr Bilyk (Ukraine) | Jamika Ajalon (France) | Zoë Darling (Switzerland) | Giovanni Fontana (Italy) | Sandra Gea (Greece) | Genco Gulan (Turkey) | Marta Janik (Poland) | Marina Kazakova (Belgium) | Sara Maino (Italy) | Benjamin Robinson (Ireland) | Poul Weile (Germany) | Syporca Whandal (Hungary)

Poetry performance in Lithuania

13 August 2021 ore 17.00
Demistify 2021 Festival
Šilėnų kaimas, Kalvarijos savivaldybė

A TALE OF TWO (Dvi poetés vienas balsas)
live poetry performance
Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino on stage

We take a road through the favourite verses of great poets – alchemists from different centuries. You just need to listen – and we will hear the innermost secrets, learn about the muses of Francesco Petrarca, Marina Tsvetaeva, Igor Severyanin, Joseph Brodsky.
The answers to all our questions are stored in encrypted messages of poets, they contain the whole palette of human feelings: love and grief, resentment and forgiveness, sin and temptation.
You can overcome whole distances without fear, and stop 5 millimetres from your fate – this is the discovery we want to share in our new show, through their voices and ours.

Program > link
Event > link